
Friday Faves

Hi friends. I hope that you’re hanging in there this week, despite the horrific events that took place. I’ve cried a lot, and hugged our girls a lot, and have been working to educate myself on these important issues and take action as needed. Thankfully our school has already sent a thorough email with directives…


104: Things that have helped my anxiety

Hi friends. My heart is heavy following this week’s events, and behind the scenes, I am taking action in between praying for those sweet babies and their families. Today’s podcast episode was a common request in my 100 podcast episodes post, so I thought I’d cover this topic today. It’s also something that I feel…


pool party! + weekend things

Hey hey! How are you? How was the weekend? Summer is officially HERE. Bless it. I feel like I have a little space to breathe without the school scramble (homework and all of the driving takes up a lot of the day), so I’m pretty pumped abut it. Friday was their last day, so we…